Review – Tracking the Tempest (Jane True, Book 2) by Nicole Peeler (4.5/5 stars)
Reading level: Adult
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Size: 368 pages
Publisher: Orbit
Release Date: July 1, 2010
ISBN-13: 978-0316056571
Stand Alone or Series: 2nd book in Jane True series
Source: Bought
Rating: 4.5/5 stars
This is the second book in the Jane True series with 6 books currently on contract. The third book, Tempest’s Legacy, comes out in Jan 2011. I really enjoyed this book, even more than the first one, Tempest Rising
This book picks up a few months after the first one leaves off. Jane is with Nell getting lessons on how to use her supernatural powers as a selkie. Then Ryu whisks Jane back to his home town of Boston for a romantic Valentine’s Day weekend. Unfortunately things don’t go as planned. People are ending up dead in a very crispy way and it is likely that a fire genie halfling with a serious grudge is responsible. Instead of being romanced by Ryu Jane is drawn into supernatural politics, running for her life, and hunting down a viscous murderer. The only good thing about it all is she is getting a lot of on the run training in her new powers.
This was a wonderful book. Like the first book Jane is funny and down to earth, she is a bit of a dork at points which only serves to make her more likable. There are some sizzling scenes between her and Ryu and more feeling begins to develop between them (although I am still having trouble taking Ryu completely seriously). Jane is starting to take charge of her life; she is working on her training and starting to stand up for herself.
We meet a lot of new interesting characters and get to learn a lot more about some of the ones introduced in the first book. My favorite is the Barghest Anyan, who we saw some of in the first book. He gets involved in this book in a big way. You also learn a lot more about how the Court operates and how they are governed. A new part of the supernatural community called the Borderlands is introduced; I am eager to hear more about the Borderlands in future books.
The pace of this book is faster than the second and there is a lot more action. I like how Jane knows her limits and tries to help in anyway she can, but stays out of the way in areas she doesn’t excel in. I also enjoyed how Jane acts like an intelligent woman and doesn’t just let herself get swept off her feet by Ryu but seriously looks at her relationship with him. I enjoyed some of the decisions she made towards the end of the book and think that this book really helped Jane grow as a character.
Overall a really great installment in this series. I am now officially hooked on Jane True. This book takes the series from a fun light read, to a fun read with some serious mojo going on. There is better world-building, better action, better plot, and great characterization in this book. I can’t wait to read the next book, Tempest’s Legacy.