Review – Magic in the Blood (Allie Beckstrom, Book 2) by Devon Monk (4/5 stars)
Reading level: Adult
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Size: 368 pages
Publisher: Roc
Release Date: May 5, 2009
ISBN-13: 978-0451462671
Stand Alone or Series: 2nd book in Allie Beckstrom series
Source: Bought
Rating: 4/5 stars
This is the second book in the Allie Beckstrom series by Monk. It was a solid book and introduces the reader to even more of the magic in Allie’s world.
Allie is recovering from her coma and memory loss that happened at the end of the first book, Magic to the Bone. She can’t remember most of what happened during the first book and remembers almost nothing about Zayvion. Then she finds that one of the men she helped to convict and send to jail has been released and is out to get her. On top of that she is expected to take over her father’s company, is occasionally seeing ghosts, and is hired by the police to help on a kidnapping case. Things get stranger and Allie has a lot to deal with in this book.
Overall a solid addition to this series. This series isn’t as good as the Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews or the Elemental Assassin series
by Jennifer Estep; but it is solid and fun. I enjoyed watching Allie learn to use her new powers and enjoyed learning more about the magic and how it works. I am looking forward to reading future installments in this series and hope they are a bit more complicated than this installment.