In My Mailbox and Mailbox Monday – 4/18
This week I got ten books. It was one of those weeks where things got a bit out of control. I purchased The Bronze Horseman for cheap for my Kindle. Got The Folk Keeper
, Fables: Legends in Exile
, and Fatal Circle
as wishes granted through Then I found Hex Hall
and Flight Vol. 1
at Half Price Books for cheap.
I also got a number of books for review. I got Confessions of a D-List Supervillan from the author Jim Berheimer. I have enjoyed his books in the past and look forward to reading this one. I also got Parker Blue’s Bite Me
, Try Me
, Fang Me
as a set from Frost Moon
was another book I had been thinking about reading that showed up on; so I downloaded it too.
At this rate I am never going to catch up on books…. Hope that you all have a wonderful week of reading!
Fables Vol. 1: Legends in Exile
Fatal Circle (Persephone Alcmedi, Book 3)
Hex Hall
Flight, Volume One
For Review:
Confessions of a D-List Supervillan by Jim Bernheimer
Frost Moon byAnthony Francis
Try Me by Parker Blue
Fang Me by Parker Blue