Short Story Review – Summer’s Crossing (Iron Fey Short Story) by Julie Kagawa (5/5 stars)
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Size: 213 KB
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
Release Date: June 1, 2011
Stand Alone or Series: 3.5 in Iron Fey Trilogy
Source: Bought for Kindle
Rating: 5/5 stars
This story takes place after The Iron Queen
The story is told from Puck’s perspective. Ash is trying to find Grimalkin and he goes to Leanansidhe for help. Unfortunately Ash owes Leanansidhe and she decides to call in her favor now. Ash needs to go into the heart of the Summer Court and steal back Leanansidhe’s violin from Titania. He will need Puck’s help to accomplish this, but will Puck remain loyal to Ash or let Ash fall to Titania in order to have Meghan for himself?
Kagawa does an excellent job in writing this story from Puck’s perspective; Puck’s tone of voice is deadon throughout and it was fun to read something from his viewpoint and to get inside his head a bit.
The story is fairly straightfoward initially but Kagawa does a good job of throwing in a couple twists and turns to mislead the reader and keep them guessing. Kagawa’s writing style is so readable and fun it made this story a pleasure to read. Kagawa also packs a lot of story into this short story; you get more insight into Puck’s character and into Ash’s. There was also some humor throughout to keep things lighter.
Overall I really enjoyed this short story and look forward to reading The Iron Knight when it comes out. If you like reading about faerie be sure you read this series; Kagawa has great characters, a wonderful world, and doesn’t sugar coat the danger of the Fey.