Graphic Novel Review – Storybook Love (Fables, Book 3) by Bill Willingham (4.5/5 stars)
Reading level: Adult
Genre: Graphic Novel/Urban Fantasy
Size: 192 pages
Publisher: Vertigo
Release Date: May 1, 2004
ISBN: 978-1401202569
Stand Alone or Series: 3rd book in Fables series
Source: Bought
Rating: 4.5/5 stars
Genre: Graphic Novel/Urban Fantasy
Size: 192 pages
Publisher: Vertigo
Release Date: May 1, 2004
ISBN: 978-1401202569
Stand Alone or Series: 3rd book in Fables series
Source: Bought
Rating: 4.5/5 stars
This is the third book in the Fables series. Unlike the first two books this one is comprised of four separate tales. This installment does an excellent job of filling in some background while still moving the main story along.
The first installment tells about Jack the Giant killer and his love of a cursed southern belle. The second talks about Bigby Wolf dealing with a reporter who thinks he’s discovered the secret of Fabletown. The third is the longest and progresses the story the furthest; this one is about Goldilocks trying to kill Snow White and Bigby. The fourth is about Jack and the Beanstalk.
All of the stories are engaging and interesting. The third (Storybook Love) about Snow White and Bigby ends on a total cliffhanger that had me dying to know what would happen next. The illustration is in keeping with previous book; although the fourth story didn’t have as detailed artwork as the three that came before it.
This book was another engaging, humorous, and interesting set of Fabletown tales. I am absolutely hooked on this series and excited to read the 4th book, March of the Wooden Soldiers
. The world continues to gain complexity and I am always surprised by the fables that pop up in the storylines. It is fun to try and figure out who is from which fable/fairy tale.
Overall an excellent installment to this series. I am eager to find out what happens next. It was great to get background on some of the characters as well as have the story progress. This is definitely an adult graphic novel; there is nudity and violence. Fans of fairy tales, humorous urban fantasy, or just fantasy graphic novels in general should make sure to check out this series.
This book goes towards the following reading challenges: