Tackling the Review Book Pile
I am desperately trying to tackle all the books I have received for review. Between NetGalley, review copies from publishers, and Amazon Vine I always see so many wonderful books I want to review. But three months ago I realized that my “to review” stack was a horribly daunting 40 books. So I instituted a new rule for myself: No new review books until the “to review” pile is below 10 books…the only exception to this rule is if a review book is in a series I am currently reading and I would read it anyway.
So far so good. Last month I got below 30 books in my “to review” pile. Today I just realized that now there are only 18 book in my “to review” pile. At this rate I should hit my below 10 book goal in the next month or so.
After that I have to tackle the problem of books in general and how I acquire more books in a month than I could ever read. I have some 300 books sitting around the house that aren’t for review that I am dying to read. This is up from some 200 books last year. Maybe after I get my review books under control I can tackle that issue.
How do you guys cope with keeping your “to be read” piles under control? I just love getting books so much, but my eyes are always bigger than my stomach….