Audiobook Review – Grave Memory (Alex Craft, Book 3) by Kaylana Price (4.5/5 stars)

Reading Level: Adult
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Size: 384 pages
Publisher: Roc
Release Date: July 3, 2012
ISBN: 978-0451464590
Stand Alone or Series: 3rd book in the Alex Craft series
Source: Audiobook from
Rating: 4.5/5 stars
This is the third book in the Alex Craft series. The fourth book in this series, Grave Memory, is due to release in fall of 2013. This series just keeps getting better. I love how elements of faerie and death magic are entertwined in Alex’s character and enjoy watching her struggle to maintain her grip on the different planes of reality.
I listened to this on audiobook and the audiobook was very well done. I really love this series on audiobook. The character voices are well done and the emotions are conveyed well. Definitely a series I recommend listening to on audiobook.
While Alex is out for coffee with one of her girlfriends a man jumps off a buliding and kills himself, but his ghost is convinced that it wasn’t a suicide. Alex and Rhiannan now have an office for their company Tongues for the Dead, guess who their first customer is…the pregnant widow of the man who jumped off of the building. As Alex starts to investigate the death more closely she finds disturbing patterns, this might not have been a suicide at all but a serial killer.
Of course added to the above investigation Alex is trying to deal with the fact that Holly can only eat faerie food. She also has her own problems with faerie, Alex has to choose a court soon or declare herself independent. Additionally Falin is still in thrall to the Winter Queen and Death is still… well Death…so her love life sucks too.
This was a wonderful book. It has a lot of complex entertwiing elements that are interesting and engaging. Any one of these things would make a good story on its own, but all woven together it makes for a fascinating read.
I love how each book has a major investigation that needs to be solved, but also continues with the broader story about Alex discovering her Fae nature.
Alex is a great character, she is funny and kind of takes everything in stride. She is resourceful and maybe a bit too impulsive at times, but that makes her even more fun to read about.
I am usually not a fan of love triangles but I have to make an exception for Falin and Death. These are two great mysterious, tortured, and witty male leads. Falin loves Alex and wants to be loyal to her but is sworn to service of the Winter Queen. No matter what, Alex can’t trust him until his oaths to the Winter Queen are broken. Sadly he actually isn’t in the story a ton, and when he is it’s nothing but emotional turmoil for him and Alex.
Death is absolutely wonderful. We finally learn a lot more about the mystery behind his character. If I had to pick someone for Alex it would be Death, he loves her so much, he is so funny, and he knows her so well. I loved, loved, loved the scenes between him and Alex. I love his character and hope he features in future books as well!
Mostly my heart just hurts for Alex…she deserves to have someone, she is just so lonely in this book. The book wraps up with a delightful teaser.
Overall a wonderful read. The plot is complex and interesting, I am completely engaged with the characters, and love this world. I can’t wait to see what happens next. This series is highly recommended to urban fantasy fans; it’s one of the better urban fantasy series out there!
This book goes towards the following reading challenges:
– 100 Books in a Year Reading Challenge
– 150+ Reading Challenge
– Paranormal Reading Challenge
– Audio Book Challenge