Best Steampunk of 2015
Welcome to the 1st post in my “Best of 2015” series. This is the best steampunk I read in 2015. Click on the image to go to Goodreads to read more about the book. Or you can click on the link below the image to see my review of that book.
I read a lot of steampunk this year and much of it was very entertaining and very fun. Below are the steampunk books that really stood out from the others for me.
The Treasure Chronicles by Jordan Elizabeth
This was a fantastic steampunk series set in a American Western style of setting. I loved the characters, action, and unique devices. Such a fun read; I hope there are more books in this series!

Book 1: Treasure, Darkly
Book 2: Born of Treasure
The Custard Protocol by Gail Carriger
This is Gail Carriger’s best steampunk series yet. I am absolutely loving it. Such wonderful characters and so entertaining; it’s set in a world I have come to know and love through both the Finishing School series and the Parasol Protectorate series.
Book 1: Prudence
The Heartbeat Thief by AJ Krafton
This was an incredibly creative premise for a story. The story really spanned the ages and ended up being so much more than I expected. I absolutely loved it and enjoy how much it made me think.
The Heartbeat Thief
Girl Genius series by Paul and Kaja Foglio
I continued to really enjoy the craziness that is Girl Genius. This has a complex story, kooky inventions, and some fantastic humor…not to mention MAD SCIENCE!
Girl Genius, Vol. 9: Agatha Heterodyne and the Heirs of the Storm
Girl Genius, Vol. 10: Agatha Heterodyne and the Guardian Muse