DNF Review – The Lost Isle of Perpetua (The Falcon Lord, Book 1) by D.A. Metrov (2/5 stars)
Reading Level: Adult
Genre: Steampunk
Length: 290 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Release Date: March 18, 2013
ISBN-13: 978-1482773057
Stand Alone or Series: 1st book in The Falcon Lord series
Source: Birthday Gift
Rating: 2/5 stars
“In this illustrated, first book of the Falcon Lord Trilogy, 16-year-old Brighton Aviamore, lowly 2nd Assistant Game Warden, lives in self-imposed exile on a small island off the coast of Perpetua. Years earlier, he was abandoned by his mother after his father, the last falcon rider, was killed by his own giant raptor. When an army of underworld mutants threatens the realm, Willowmena (Brighton’s would-be love interest) presses the maverick youth to join the war effort against them. The couple embarks on an impossible journey to consult an elusive seer for advice on how to fight the marauders. They discover the seer is missing, and a vast, toxic mining operation threatens to destroy the kingdom. Brighton further learns that nine years earlier, his father was murdered for attempting to stop the illegal enterprise. Someone had bewitched Lord Aviamore’s falcon. Brighton must come to terms with the crime that shaped his bitter outlook on life. For the first time, he determines to defend something other than his own personal interests. He risks his life to take up his father’s quest. He defies the evil genius and his warriors who would stop at nothing in their rampage for wealth and power. His bold actions inspire the citizens to resurrect the battle for their homeland. They grant him the prestigious title of Sky Sheriff. When he and his intrepid falcon lead the common people to victory, Brighton Aviamore becomes known as the legend, Falcon Lord.”
I got (and asked) for this for my birthday because I was looking for another steampunk series to start. All I have to say is…ugh, this was pretty bad. The illustrations are a bit creepy and very amateurish; poorly rendered 3D art that is dark and hard to see. I read the first 70 pages or so and then stopped. While the writing isn’t completely awful but it is very choppy with a lot of short sentences. It didn’t flow well at all and was hard to read.
The first couple chapters were okay, but the next few lost me completely. Tons of different types of creatures introduced in the middle of a war. It was hard to follow and impossible for me to stay engaged with. It just read like something that was self edited and self published, not very well done or professional.
Overall I was very disappointed because I was excited to read this highly rated steampunk fantasy. I had to write some sort of review despite not finishing this because I have absolutely no understanding of why this is rated so high. Ugh.
This book goes towards the following reading challenges:
– Goodreads Reading Challenge
– Mount TBR Reading Challenge