Graphic Novel Review – Tooth and Claw (Autumnlands, Book 1) by Kurt Busiek, Benjamin Dewey, Jordie Bellaire (4/5 stars)
Reading Level: Adult
Genre: Fantasy
Length: 184 pages
Publisher: Image Comics
Release Date: July 2015
ISBN-13: 978-1632152770
Stand Alone or Series: 1st volume in the Autumnlands series
Source: Borrowed from Library
Rating: 4/5 stars
“When a secret conclave of wizards brings a legendary hero back from the forgotten past to save their dying world, they get a hero unlike anything they expected, and trigger a crisis none of them may survive.”
This is the first book in the Autumnlands graphic novel series. This is a very well done graphic novel. The illustration is top notch and a lush epic fantasy world is created here. I personally had trouble with the story keeping my interest; it was just too complicated and jumped around too much for me to stay engaged in it.
This book is set in a world of animals who are very like humans, aside from their animal bodies. Magic has been dwindling from the world and a group of mages decide to call back a legendary hero to help them (the hero ends up being a human man). Tragedy ensues and the animals are shocked at the violence and conniving of the hero that they have called back.
I think a lot of people will enjoy this graphic novel. The illustration is very detailed and well done. The world-building is also incredibly well done. I didn’t enjoy the story or the characters all that much; it just didn’t engage me.
Overall this was a decent fantasy graphic novel series. It wasn’t something that I really enjoyed, but it was well crafted. I don’t plan on continuing the series.
This book goes towards the following reading challenges:
– Goodreads Reading Challenge
– Graphic Novel Reading Challenge